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Performed at Archauz, Denmark.

Kulturnat Aarhus  



Andreas Constantinou

Noelia Mora Solvez


Camera and photography

Martin Busborg

Experiment #1


Experiment ♯1 explored the ideas of beauty and the human form. Since prehistoric time, representations of the nude body have played a major theme in art. The human form has been the subject of many great art works from paintings, photographs to sculptures.

Experiment ♯1 explored the nude sculpture in motion, looking at the microscopic and macroscopic detail of the human form. The installation weaved together live video, improvisational performance and interactive installation that made spectators become an active part of the creative process themselves.


The venue was transformed with hundreds of square meters of paper covering every wall and parts of the ceiling. Audience members entered through a 20m paper tunnel which suddenedly opened up to reveal a paper room with two "sculptures" that move, four cameras (each projecting their live image onto a wall).

Andreas Constantinou and Noelia Mora Solvez explored the cross over of performance and visual arts. In this first experiment both artists collaborate with Martin Busborg, photographer and video artist.

Well received and viewed by hundreds of people as part of Kulturnat, the audience were encouraged to write their thoughts and feedback - here is a selection:


"Really beautiful work - loved the variations between funny and playful + poetic + Moving. Really enjoyed playing with the cameras and angles on your moving bodies."


"I am in love! You are amazing sculptures"


"So thought provoking. I did not expect anything of this kind, and I am really moved by what I have seen and felt."




"I felt lost in time. Lost my smell, my everyday perception. Felt like I was coming from nowhere and was going nowhere... Timeless, timeloss, timefree, timeline. It was extraordinary, beautiful bodies, beautiful souls. 


"Great set up with cameras and light. Dancers are melted into each other. Thanks for sharing that with us."


"you are brave and beautiful"


"I love it when artists come up with new mind-boggling and thought provoking ideas. The struggle of keeping secret is beautifully depicted, at least through my eyes. They managed to make me write my secrets on them and made me think about my relationships with my secrets. Is it worth keeping? Or is the point of keeping a secret worthwhile? Looking forward to more..."


"I like that the walls of the scene are the dancers. You touch - without really touching each other. You are naked without really being naked. Is that the secret? Who are we?"




Address: Tomsagervej 25, 8230 Åbyhøj, Denmark

CVR: 31 80 79 13

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